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Serving the GPs of Croydon, East Sussex, Kingston and Richmond, Surrey and West Sussex

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What is a Local Medical Committee (LMC)?

The LMC is an independent body statutorily recognised, by successive NHS Acts since 1911, as the sole professional organisation representing GPs and their practices to the Area Team and CCGs. The LMC represents the views of GPs to any other appropriate organisation or agency.  Unlike the BMA, it is not a trade union and is funded by contributions from GP practices.

The 1999 NHS Act extended the LMC role to include representation of all GPs, whatever their contractual/employment status  this includes GMS GPs, PMS GPs, Sessions

Although there have been countless changes within the NHS and community care, LMCs across the UK are the single element of continuity throughout all the reorganisations since the NHS was established.

What does Surrey and Sussex LMCs do?

We are the professional voice for Surrey and Sussex’s 3300 GPs and their practice teams.  On behalf of practices, we provide:

National representation and negotiation – Surrey and Sussex LMCs is represented on the BMA’s national negotiating body, the General Practitioners Committee (GPC), ensuring the voice of local general practice is heard at a national level.
Local representation – Across Surrey and Sussex, including part of South-West London, we support 5 LMCs.  Each LMC, democratically elected and chaired by practising GPs, provides leadership, advice and support for practices in their constituencies and in dealing with their local CCGs.
GP Support Service – personal 1:1 advice and support for individual GPs and practices on a wide range of issues from partnership issues to contractual disputes.
Conferences, Training, Seminars and Workshops - tailored for GPs and practice managers on all aspects of managing a practice in today’s changing NHS.
Briefing and Newsletters (The LMC Line) – to keep you informed and engaged.
LMCs Buying Group – to save practice’s money by negotiating discounts on goods and services which practices regularly purchase.

About this page

Updated on Tuesday, 13 August 2019


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