Our Committees

Surrey Sussex LMCs is a federation of the following Local Medical Committees:

Croydon LMC

East Sussex LMC

Kingston and Richmond LMC

Surrey LMC

West Sussex LMC

How to apply to stand for your local LMC

Any GP working within a levy paying practice, whatever their contractual basis, may apply to their LMC to be nominated for election.

We are always pleased to receive applications from GPs who wish to become LMC Members and represent their GP colleagues.  Elections take place regularly under terms stipulated in the LMC Constitution.

Between elections, where there are vacancies on Committees, it may be possible to be co-opted.  To be co-opted, you need to be nominated by an LMC Member.  Co-option will be considered by the whole Committee and, if deemed appropriate, ratified.

Please contact the LMC Office for an LMC Member Recruitment Pack.


The Observer Scheme

The LMC has an established scheme to enable local General Practitioners and Practice Managers to attend, with an honorarium, one meeting of their Local Medical Committee.  For further details please read more about our Surrey and Sussex LMC Observer Scheme  (SSLMCs September 2017)


LMCs Travel and Honoraria

For details about travel and honoraria, please contact Sandra Rodbourne


About this page

Updated on Thursday, 29 February 2024