Letter re publication of the General Data Protection Regulation
GDPR - Child Access (SSLMCs May 2018)
Attached are copies of template privacy notices and a GDPR Update letter on Privacy Notices.
The links contained within the letter are:-
Dr Paul Cundy's blog:
ICA [Information Governance Alliance]...
Attached is the Powerpoint presentation given by members of the Surrey and Sussex LMCs Secretariat
GPs as Data Controllers (SSLMCs April 2018)
GDPR Update re SARs (SSLMCs May 2018)
Template Letter (SSLMCs May 2018)
Attached is a GDPR Update Guidance relating to SAR requests received from Solicitors and Insurance Companies
SAR Requests from Solicitors and Insurance Companies (LMC June 2018)
Preparing for the new Data Protection Legislation (SCW CSU)
GP Information pack guidance documents (SCW CSU)
GPs as Data Controllers (BMA January 2018) GPs as Data Controllers (Update March 2018)
General Data Protection Regs Update (LMC January 2018)
The May GDPR Update contains information on just click on the link below:-
Privacy Notices [Fair Processing Notices]
Data Protection Officer (DPO)
Subject Access Requests
Requests by Third Parties
Provision of SARs
Requests from Solicitors, Insurers and Employers
Record of Processing Activities...