New to Partnership Development Programme
Publication date: October 2020
Dear Colleagues
Surrey and Sussex and Wessex LMCs are collaborating in an exciting new development to offer an 18-month development programme to support the New to Partnership training offer made this year by NHSE to new partners in general practice.
Attached is a flyer providing further details of the programme and we are now looking for expressions of interest so that we can develop the programme further. Funding for new partners to undertake the course is available through an NHS bursary.
We are keen to ensure that all new partners are aware of this training and would appreciate it if you could circulate this email appropriately to colleagues who are new to partnership and may be interested in the programme.
Anyone who is interested should contact their local LMC office to express an interest, and we will be in touch soon with further details.
Kind regards
Sandra Rodbourne
Business Administrator
Surrey and Sussex LMCs
Tel: 01372 389270