Hepatitis B Vaccines

Publication date: August 2017

Hep. B Vaccines shortage PHE recom. for GP0807.pdf

Hepatitis B Vaccine shortage - PHE recommendations for General Practice

There are only two global manufacturers of Hepatitis B vaccines, both of whom now have problems.  GSK is now the only current supplier , and normal supplies will not be resumed until well into 2018.

In the light of this situation, PHE are in liaison with GSK prioritising limited supplies to maximum benefit attached is a guidance letter from Dr Parker which includes a link to PHE information.  See attachment below.

Hepatitis B vaccination for babies

In the context of the above advice relating to the supply problems with adult Hepatitis B vaccine the LMC are writing to practices to remind colleagues of the national immunisation programme for Hepatitis B for babies who are born to mothers who are Hepatitis B positive.

Hepatitis B vaccination for babies  (SSLMCs August 2017)

Service specification for Hepatitis B Vaccination for Babies (August 2017)